New England Seminar on Bowen Theory

What we Do
NESBT and other Bowen centers around the world hold conferences where theorists present work that uses the concepts of theory to expand our understanding of why humans do what they do. These conferences are in person and on Zoom.
Articles & Publications
Learn more about Bowen theory by exploring the writings of Murray Bowen, MD, and other Bowen theorists. Subscribe to periodicals dedicated to theory.
About Us
For two decades, the New England Seminar of Bowen Theory has been holding conferences on emotional functioning in society, and in that time has evolved its focus to exploring humankind’s relationship with the earth and climate change.
Bowen Theory
Developed by Murray Bowen, MD, the theory sees individuals as part of a family emotional system that spans generations and is governed by the laws of nature that govern all life.
The Tipping Point Blog
Republicans take a stand in House
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Going from combustibles to renewables
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